Senior Associate
Christopher Glasscock
Tel: +507 2153215
Email: cglasscock@lovill.com
- Construction and Infrastructure.
- Banking and Finance.
- Telecommunications.
- Real Estate.
- Logistics and Distribution.
- Consumer goods.
- Sovereign States.
Practice Areas
- Dispute Resolution.
- Negotiation.
- Conciliation.
- Arbitration.
- Litigation.
- Corporate and Commercial Law.
- Private Clients.
- Insolvency.
- Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua (Panama), Licenciatura, cum laude.
- Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.), Masters (LL.M) in International Corporate Law and Economics, honors.
- Universidad de Georgetown, Certificación en Arbitraje Internacional y Resolución de Disputas.
- English.
- Spanish.
Bar Admissions
Admitted to practice law in the Republic of Panama.
Admitted to practice law in the State of New York, United States of America.
Christopher Glasscock is an senior associate on the dispute resolution team at LOVILL.
His areas of practice include national and international litigation in civil and commercial matters, as well as experience in international arbitrations under the ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL and CECAP Rules, in disputes involving construction, logistics, joint ventures and States representation.
He has a degree in Law and Political Science from the Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua de Panamá, and has a Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Business and Economic Law with a Certificate in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution from Georgetown University Law Center.
Among other relevant aspects, Christopher developed his international labour expertise working at the headquarters of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), in Paris (2018), and in the International Arbitration Department of an international law firm in Washington DC (2020). In addition, Christopher publishes and regularly participates in dispute resolution and public international law issues.
In 2022, he founded Panama Young Arbitrators, the country’s first organization aimed at young professionals and students interested in developing experience in national and international arbitration.
Christopher is national Correspondent of UNIDROIT, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, where he is responsible for providing input to the organization’s Secretariat and act as informal ambassador of UNIDROIT for missions and events held in the Republic of Panama.
He is currently a member of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA), Young ITA, National Bar Association of Panama, ICC Global Internship Alumni and CSPC Presidential Fellows Program.
Relevant cases in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
Case related to a foreign state entity in a civil dispute for one hundred thirty (130) million dollars related to the diversion of public funds, fraud and seizure of private assets involving a bank fraud as a result of a financial crisis in the represented state.
Case related to a foreign state financial entity in a set aside proceeding of a foreign arbitral award rendered under ICC rules for thirty (30) million dollars, before the Fourth Chamber of General Business of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Case related to a state-owned foreign oil entity in a complex dispute for twelve thousand nine hundred (12.900) billion dollars that arose from a contractual claim presented by a group of Ecuadorian foundations, as a result of environmental impacts.
Case related to a South American State in an arbitration under UNCITRAL rules against a North American mining company. The dispute arose from the revocation by the State of a license to explore and exploit a gold mine due to environmental damage and the protection of indigenous communities.
Case related to a South American State in an ICSID Annulment Proceeding against Swiss investors for an award that awards nineteen (19) million dollars. The dispute arose as a result of the validity of an annex to a coal concession contract and the alleged imposition of excessive royalties.
Articles and Publications
“Panama: Law and Practice”, Enforcement of Judgements Guide, Chambers & Partners, August 2020.
“Panama: Trends and Development”, Enforcement of Judgements Guide, Chambers & Partners, August 2020.
“Tendencias de España y Francia en la Aplicación de la Fuerza Mayor y Cláusula Rebus Sic Stantibus a raíz del COVID-19” (“Tendencies from Spain and France in the Application of Force Majeure and Rebus Sic Stantibus due to COVID-19”), LinkedIn article, July 2020.
“Fuerza Mayor y Caso Fortuito: Su Aplicación en Contratos Comerciales bajo la Ley Panameña y Principios UNIDROIT en tiempos de COVID-19” (“Force Majeure and Acts of God: Their Application in Commercial Contracts under Panamanian Law and UNIDROIT Principles in times of COVID-19”, Very Young Arbitration Blog (VYAB), May 2020.
“Análisis del Arbitraje Tributario en Panamá y su Aplicación” (“Analysis of Tax Arbitration in Panama and its Application”), LinkedIn article, June 2019.
“Apostar al Arbitraje como un método alterno de solución de conflictos en Panamá” (“Betting on Arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism in Panama”), LOVILL Blog, June 2019.
“U.S.-Panama Relations and its Importance for the Security of the Panama Canal”, Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress, May 2018.
Associate to Watch for Dispute Resolution in Panama, Chambers Latin America, 2022.
Excellence for the Future Award for excellence in studies of International Litigation and Arbitration, CALI & Georgetown Law, June 2020.
Fellowship in the Presidential Fellows Program of the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (Washington, D.C.), 2017-2018.
Valuable Contribution to University Life Award, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, 2014-2015.
Georgetown International Arbitration Society
Young ITA
Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia
Inter American Bar Association
Panamanian Bar Association (Colegio Nacional de Abogados)
ICC Global Alumni Network
CSPC Presidential Fellows Alumni Group
Speaking engagements
Speaker, Cross-Border Successions, Event organized by the Tax and Legislation Committee, AmCham Panama, 2022.
Panelist, La Reorganización como Mecanismo Legal para las Empresas ante la Crisis y los Procesos Concursales en Panamá, LOVILL Webinar Series, Panama, August 2020.
Organizer, Georgetown International Arbitration Month, Georgetown Law, Washington, D.C., February 2020.
Guest Speaker, Función y operatividad de la Corte de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional y su Secretaría, IV Congress of Public International Law, Universidad de Panamá, Panama, November 2018.